Working with our Fusion blanks: For best results and to avoid blowouts, you must use razor sharp tools (we recommend the Pen Master ACCU-CUT round chisel) and take very light cuts. Ensure your pen tube is thoroughly covered in thick CA glue when gluing it into the blank. If any part of the brass tube is not well covered with glue, that is the spot that will let go as you near the end of turning. We recommend finishing Fusion blanks like you would a wooden pen blank. If you use Micro Mesh, we recommend wet sanding to avoid fine scratches in the acrylic. It is not uncommon to find the occasional small void in the blank while turning; they can be easily filled in with a small amount of thick CA glue.
NOTE: These blanks are handcrafted and carefully inspected to ensure high quality. We do NOT replace blanks that become damaged during cutting, drillng, trimming, turning, finishing or assembly.