Now more than ever, Canadian woodturners are seeking out Made-in-Canada products and tools for their wood lathe projects. As a Canadian small business, William Wood-Write has your back! We know how important it is to our customers to source materials right here at home because it’s important to us too. […]
Info for Woodturners
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Woodturning is a fun, practical hobby, but any woodturner can tell you that it’s possible to get out of control while shopping! It isn’t easy to turn away from specialty pen blanks, new wood lathe tools and interesting project and pen kits. However, there are a few ways that you […]
If you’re venturing into the world of casting your own resin pen blanks, it can seem like there’s an overwhelming amount of things to learn. You can experiment with almost any material and with practice, create some really unique, visually stunning pieces. One important element of resin casting is choosing […]
Whether you’re a beginner woodturner or a seasoned pro, you’re probably always on the lookout for new projects to try turning on your lathe. While there really are no limits to what you can experiment with, having some woodturning kits for practice and inspiration is always helpful. No matter your […]
Have you ever stopped to wonder what it is about woodturning that you love so much? Well, the answer is simple: it’s good for your brain! Studies have shown that creative hobbies such as woodturning can help ease anxiety, alleviate depression and improve memory. Working with your hands on a […]
One of the most common and well-loved materials in pen turning is CA glue, also known as cyanoacrylate. It’s not just that it is great for gluing pen tubes into wood blanks; it can also be used to stabilize weak wood, create a durable finish and even repair mistakes! So […]
While browsing products for pen making and other wood turning projects, you’ll have seen references to MT1 and MT2. The letters stand for “Morse Taper”. A morse taper is a tool that fits into the headstock and tailstock of a lathe and has a hollow housing for inserting chucks, live […]
Have you ever wanted to repair a handmade pen, but weren’t sure how to safely disassemble it? Or maybe you’ve applied a glossy CA finish and ended up with your bushings covered in glue. These are common pen turner problems, and there are specialized tools to help deal with them. […]
If you’ve been selling your custom pens and other lathe projects at craft markets then you know that sometimes it’s hit or miss; what flies off the shelves at one event sits untouched at another. So how are you supposed to know what inventory to make, and who is going […]
Exotic wood for turning is usually prized for its striking appearance, but there are other factors that come into play. Many have unusual figuring and colours, with an additional story or anecdote, making them top choices for custom pens and other lathe projects. Here are some popular exotic woods along […]
As we move into fall and cooler temperatures, many of you are spending more time turning again – preparing handmade pens and other lathe projects for craft shows and custom orders, getting gifts ready or simply working on projects for yourself. At William Wood-Write, we appreciate your orders and do […]
Selecting pen kits for wood turning can be a little overwhelming. Not only are there hundreds of aesthetic styles, but there are technicalities to consider. Is a rollerball pen better than a ballpoint? Who uses fountain pens, and what for? We’ve broken down some information to make it easier for […]